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Why You Should Subscribe to a Newspaper

Why You Should Subscribe to a Newspaper


Why You Should Subscribe to a Newspaper

In a lot of ways, newspapers are comically outdated. Theoretically, there’s nothing they offer that you can’t already find on the internet.

The news articles, the weather, the stock markets, the crosswords. All of those things have their own phone apps, so why should you subscribe to a newspaper? Why should you struggle to unfold and refold this oversized paper magazine?

We have a few reasons. And a few suggestions for which newspaper you should subscribe to.

Because holding a physical newspaper is a unique experience. Having something show up at your door daily or weekly

The content is actually curated

Yes, the internet offers you anything you want at any time of day. It has all of the information (all of it). But its abundance is also its curse. And sure, morning email newsletters can help you catch the headlines and stay somewhat aware of what’s going on, but even one email can’t give you everything you need.

Newspapers are written and edited by professionals. These are men and women who know what news stories are important, and they’ve spent hours pulling the priorities of all that’s going on in the world into one compact bundle you can have delivered to your doorstep.

Once you’ve found a newspaper you can rely on, you’ve found a smarter, worldlier friend who is doing everything in their power to keep you in the know. The internet is doing everything it can to overwhelm you. Newspapers are doing everything they can to give you only what you need.

You can’t beat a physical paper

There’s nothing wrong with ebooks and tablets. But a digital book will never be able to replicate the real thing. The smell, the touch, the feeling of thumbing through the papers, of dog-earing your last page, of always having a handy thing to fold up and use as a coaster for your coffee. Those are things that books offer.

Newspapers are similar. The physical act of unfolding and refolding (or trying to refold) a newspaper offers an unmatched sense of elevated style. It puts you in a time and place in a way that the digital world can’t fully replicate.

Scrolling through an article on your phone screen while flying on a plane feels different than reading your daily newspaper in your favorite chair. It’s a singular thing that only occurs when you’re holding the physical object that is a newspaper.

Your morning routine will look and feel better.

Whether you prefer the sports section, finance section, top stories, cartoons, or crosswords, every newspaper offers something that will fit your personality.

Start your morning with a shot of espresso and a crossword puzzle and you’re ready for whatever comes next. Or check in on top stories before heading into the office and be ready to talk about current events with anyone.

By incorporating a newspaper into your daily routine, you’re reminding yourself to slow down a little bit. You’re taking a stance against the overwhelming forces that say efficiency is all that matters. A newspaper isn’t efficient (again, it’s really hard to fold and unfold them sometimes).

But a newspaper is a great tool to prepare yourself before you go out into your day. Whether that preparation looks like having a laugh at the comics, testing your brain with a quick game, or taking a cursory glance at what’s going on is up to you.

For now, imagine someone sitting cross-legged, sipping espresso, and reading a newspaper. That person is cool. And that person could be you.

Which newspaper should I subscribe to?

Now you’re asking the right question. Below is a brief summary of some of the largest newspapers, but first you should make these two decisions: national or local? Daily or weekly?

Once you know the answer to those two, you’ll have a better chance of narrowing down exactly what you need.

The New York Times is in a lot of ways the most renowned newspaper. It’s known as a liberal source for comprehensive coverage of national and international news, culture, and opinion pieces. And it has the best crossword puzzle.

The Wall Street Journal is the conservative counterpart. It’s a publication, focusing on business, finance, and economic news. And its sports section is arguably the most entertaining (shoutout Jason Gay).

The Washington Post is a great source for a balanced reporting on politics, national affairs, and global events. If you’re a political person, or you want to be, start here.

USA Today offers a broad range of national news with a focus on simplicity and visual presentation. And we’re a sucker for a nice clean layout.

Your local paper is another great option, especially if you live in a large city—shoutout Dallas Morning News, Atlanta Journal Constitution, and the Chicago Tribune. Still, even if you’re outside a metroplex, chances are there’s a good paper available to you.

Here’s to a slower morning and an extra cup of coffee. Enjoy your reading.